Monday, 26 November 2012

Successful Direct Mail Marketing Tips For Real Estate Investing

Direct mail marketing is crucial to the success of any real estate investing business. Employing the right strategies for your direct mail campaigns means you will buy more houses, making more profits.

This article concentrates on success tips for your direct marketing campaigns.

Post Cards or Letters?

Which should you send for your direct marketing campaigns, letters or post cards? Your marketing needs can determine the answer to this question. Sometimes your training can determine the answer.

Before answering this question I have to mention that you MUST have targeted leads. You will get a better response if your leads are more targeted. No matter how effective your media is, the results will always depend on how well your leads are targeted.

The only people that receive letters in my business are probate leads. People who have inherited property have to go through the process of probate which can take several months. For this reason, I send them a letter every 30 days that is nice, personalized and sympathetic. After 6 months I do not contact them any more.

I use a red hand-written font to address the envelop.

Everyone else gets 2 post cards, spaced 30 days apart. I always like my post cards glossy with screaming colors and a real stamp. I always use a mailing label with a screaming color different from the rest of the card.

This attracts attention so they will not trash them with the rest of the mail.

I always get a local person to stick address stickers and stamps.

Marketing 101 5 Direct Marketing Tips

Marketing is one of the most complex aspects of any business and getting it right can be tricky. Direct marketing is one of a host of marketing tools that can be very effective if done well but this is often easier said than done. So here are some direct marketing tips to help you get your direct marketing campaign on track.

Tip 1 Decide who you are going to target and which media you are going to use

Knowing who your ideal customer is means you can target your campaign well. It is also extremely important to decide early on whether your campaign is going to be by direct mail, telephone, newspaper or magazine ad?

Tip 2 Always do a test campaign

Seasoned marketers advise that a test campaign is a must whether you are just starting out or have done a number of direct marketing campaigns before. This is one of the lesser known direct marketing tips. A test campaign helps you minimize

Direct Email Marketing - 5 Tips to Make It Easy

Direct Email Marketing - 5 Tips for Success 
A qualified list is better than a big list. Your direct email marketing success begins and ends with the quality of your email list. As an experience professional, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that a small list of raving fans is better than a big list of people who don't care about you either way. You might think it doesn't matter because email is free to send, but that's not the point. Not only will you be able to sell at higher prices to a good list, but it will be cheaper and easier to grow it in the first place!
Remember what business you're in. You're in the relationship business where your aim should be to acquire customers and clients NOT make sales. If you put them first and look after them, then I promise... they'll look after you and your profits.
Cut out the hard sell. I'm dead against the hard sell. It works -- in the sense you make sales but as a long term strategy it sucks. So your emails should have a direction and a purpose to lead the reader gently into the sale. Nothing turns me off faster than an internet marketer who emails me only when he's got something to sell me.
Give away your best stuff in your emails. Most people are too afraid to do this because they want to "reserve" their best material for their paying customers. This is a mistake. If you give away your best information, your readers will be thinking, "wow... if Jon gives this stuff away... what must his paid products be like?". What's more, you have to understand people will pay for convenience. Having all your best material available scattered at random over a hundred emails is far less convenient than having